Barak Obama's election-A NRI perspective

Few days back, history was made in in America- a black (though not black enought- a mutt less) president was elected as the most powerful man in america and by default in the world.

I rooted for him and felt happy when he was elected, a much family man, in love with his wife and kids, a great talking, inspiring guy.

He is a destinites child. It is just not possible otherwise for someone like him- a son of an afircan father who left his whiten mother, no political backgrowund whatsoever, a Hosain for his middle name, no real accomplishment in life- the world, the supreme force and the destiny conspired to make him president.

And the stage is set for him so very suberbly, yet with such great challenge!

In another time, he could really bask in the glory of his election win and spend the four or eight years the way Bush, Bill has spent!

Actually, he is set up for failure. His challenges:

1. The economic crisis is enormous and no one has a clear answer to whats the solution. Worse, such a gigantic problem and no one anywhere saw it coming! Greed ruled over prudence, honest, rightousness. Drastic spets are being taken and if they fail, world will spriral into deeper and deeper recession.

2. Oil si behaving its widest eratic way playing havoc with inflation and monitary policies of countries, specially the developing countries.

3. Deep pockets of social, political and terrorist uprise and chaos in Afganistan, Iraq, Pakistan, potentially in Iran and North Korea.

4. Lack of social drive for American and european mass to achive economic freedom and growth. Hardworking american is just than, a word, euphemism. Social security in Europe helps provide a quality of life same as the one slogging his butts of day in day out.

5. World is in peril, much more than is reconised. Last five years, we have had more environm,ental caqlamities, several even in america than ever. Yet, drive for consumerism, cam manufacturing etc shows no sign of restrain.

6. Polulation is growing rapidly, as a percentage is maynt look alarning but the numbers are huge, brienging stress on food, infrastructure, everything.

7. Region are becoming more bigotery everyday. The age old notion of religious suprimacy is not blunted even in today world. The real meaning of religion is not understood and vested interest play havoc with lives of million of people around the world. The world doesnt have sanity.

8. Apart from all these, there are internal american issues like health care etc which are global issues as well.

9. He got elected on a platform of change. Yet, we all know, change doesnt happen overnight. But being an ambitious man, he will want to make examples of change and there is great risk in doing msking change in hast with half cooked cocked up ideas.

The job is cut well cut out.

What would you have done if you were Barak Obama?!

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