Re-Lay - Play @ Prithvi

Prithvi used to be one of our favourite haunt when we were in Mumbai back in 2006. We have gone there few months back but didnt get ticket. Shrihaan had suddenly gone for a stay over yesterday and so we utilised the opprtunity to steal a play at Prithvi. The ambiance, the feel, the slightly different audiance, the cafe-everything we used to love has been retained and as if the seven year in between didnt happen. We are letting go of some of our prudishness too for the play was a adult themed one on promisquity, rampant infidelity and finding and exploring ones sexuality. There were quite a few comic moments arising out of the sexual tension when a beautiful women is thwon into a train compartment with a not so polished hairy passenger. Overall, a good evening.

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