A mysterious visitor

Neel was having a nice childhood in the late seventies, when one fine days he was taken away from the confines of his home in sberban Calcutta, to stay with hin uncle and aunty in south calcutta. His brother was allready staying with them. They didnt have any children.

His brother being four years older, was learning about the wonderful would of adulthood when he was 10 years of age. He became the recipient of this knowledge his brother was gathering on sex and other things. He didnt understand these things fully but his mind was curious and he tried to find out the meaning of what he was being told from his friends.

He noticed that every sunday afternoon, his uncle would shut the door of his bedroom and the windows too would be closed and light would be on inside. One such sunday afternoon, he kept his eyes on the crack on the door and discovered something that would keep him obessessed all his growing up day and would nearly ruin his life.

He became obsessed with the need to see his uncles and aunty in bed and keep on the look out when it happen. He could barely concentrate on studies.

Slowly but surely, he wanted to feel his aunty and use any excuse to touch her. He would ask her if she wanted massage and he would massage her till he would be dead tired. Soon, he realised even his aunty was enjoying contacts with him and knew what was in his mind. But she was geting regular sex and so her desire for him was not that intense. She would sometimes talk dirty with him.

He would never get her completely and this was driving him mad and he could barely related to guys his age. He would never learn to look at a girl without thinking of sex, those days. He became someone who would never have a normal life.

Since his mother sent him to stay with his uncle, a lifelong grudge developed in him for her and in short, he would never have any respect for a woman. He would have only one feeling for them and it was raw desire.

One evening, when he was around 14years of age, a mysterious visitor arrived in their home. he asked for some water and directly scolded him for what he was doing. I asked his uncle if he realised what he was referring to and uncle said yes and promised to take care of it.

Nothing changed.

Its a miracle that he managed to do well in studies and move out to stay along in a different city when he tured 24 years of age.

He suffered for something he didnt ask for. He paida heavy price for something overwhich he didnt have any control.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.