More of our son speak

Mumbai summer can be punished and our three and half year old son soon discovered the joys of chilled waster directedly taken from the Refrigerator.

I never understood how it happened but he is obsessively fond of Pepsi and chips, the junk foods which we should be better off without.

So, everytime we go out he would make sure, either by force or guile, to buy a bottle of pepsi for him. This he would keep in the fridge and we will observe the level of the liquid in the bottle would keep on going down as the day progressed.

But then who doesn’t like a sip of chilled cola on a summer evening, just back from chaotic outside which Mumbai roads are.

I came back from office that day and went to have a sip of cola from the fridge. As if on cue, he came running to me, saw me with the bottle, and tried snatching it from me. I said, ‘ hey don’t do it, let me have a sip’.

Deadpan, he replied,’ No, no, don’t have it, its my medicine’.

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