Decision time

Has arrived inspite of me dreading it. There is an opprtunity for us to get what we wanted but only partly. Its again a classic situation when to get something, we have to forgo many other things. Its not something so good that we would blindly aspire to take it up.

Mumbai is not an appealing place. The schools are crowded, not many school would have a decent play ground. Getting into a school of choice would be difficult. The multinational environment that we value would be missing there.

Roads are worse, the buildings are nondesriptive. Curruption abounds. Pollution galore. Driving is nightmare. Agression is the name of everyday living.

It would also mean being unsure about the next grade for forseable future.
Next grade is anyways something that cannt be seen in foreseable future.
Many of my peer groups have got it allready.

Yet, given the situation, it can provide the much missed stability and sense of security. Its a known devil.

Having fallen in love with SEA ways of living doesnt make it any easier. Growing up, living here is far easier than in Mumbai.

An ordinary graduate can become a management trainee and have a fast trakced career but in India one need to have a MBA from the best top five places to have a similar career. Do I push our son into such a situation? Will he be able to break the shackle and later be able to settle in Singapore, SEA, Eupore or US?

Is it destiny that decides our fate? To what extent we can influnece? Have always believed in prayer yet at this crucial moment in life, find the conviction lacking. Must try to get it back. Faith and confidence are everything that can decide our destiny.

Should we let of it and accept the uncertainty? Will it pay off? Will I be able to pull it off eventually if I let go off this opprtunity? Will something else come along?

Who can tell?
Sleep with this confusion, get up in the morning, tired with these thoughts in mind.

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