The surging

sense of not being able to reach the desired destionation is playing havoc with the hormonal balalnce. The events of last one year has been rough and seems to be eating away the core of the life bit by bit. The recession, the death of my mother, the sense of running out of options in the career are gawning at mercilessly.
The recession seems to have made it impossible to get any good opportunities in Europe. Thus the remaining options are very limited and nothing very paetising.

Never have felt the tuck to give up and call it a day so strongly before.

Its taking every bit of nerves to stay on and fight back the sense of dejection thats feeling everyday more confident to rule over the soul.

But life's lessons are all there. Have been into near impossible situations and yet have come out of that. Impossible things have happened in life which I didnt have any power to make happen. Many a times, when on the verge of giving up hope for something, have seen the tide turn and rays of hope and dawn appeared. I didnt have tricks to make any of these possible apart from being hopeful, positive and prayerful.

Or may be these are the tricks which will again seem me through the present crisis which seems to be by far the biggest I have seen or so it seems this momont.

We shall overcome.

PS: After writing this, I was browsing other blogs randomly and found this:

Amaging, isnt? Should there be any doubt left about His presence in our lives?!

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