Choice to make

Why so often we have to stand in the cross road and choose a path from options which are not outright better than others ? So we have to debate in our mind the pros and cons of the choices we have? These choices that we have to make also seem to be getting bigger and more meaningful than the previous ones?
Do we risk the uncertainty and take on a higher challenge? Do we go for stability and walk away from a challenge and also get into something that could be risky?
Why do we miss the carefree days as we get older?
Is it more useful to have one door open to future or it is called freedom to have to choose one from many of the doors and walk into something that would nudge us to rue the many other possibilities that could have been ours?
How do we know whom to trust?
Why is it so difficult to walk from it all?
Why it seems some people get it all easy and other have to walk uphill to achieve or worse just get the promise of achieving something?
So very grateful to have atleast a choice which seems great and we might be good for next few years which we value and appreiate.

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