
Years ago when I was still a student, sometimes I would ponder about what sort of family I would have and about children we would have.

I got married more than a decade ago and we have a son who would be soon ten.

Coming from the sort of fucked up background that I had, it took me a while to adjust to married life and it hasnt been easy. Guess still managed to hold on to it more for her grace.

I have tried to be a good father. Though I realise as I think now that I need to give him more attention and be more strict.

I continuously worry about how we will manage his education, where he would work, how he would get married, who would be his support system. We know deep in our heart that things would turn put just fine and he would be taken care off.

I believe a happy childhood is the bedrock on  which a successful adult life is built. My life turned for the complicated pahse when I was allmost 10 and I feel I still turned up allright due to the happy experiences I had as a child in Baruipur. I often remember even today the mock wreslting I had with my father, how I would climb up to his back and how I would accompany him to the market. I feel I learnt on those trips how to identify fresh vegatable but more than that I bonded with him even though we wouldnt be talking much. I was his late child and thosedays fathers werent suppossed to be the friends that as father Im today to Shrihaan. Hence, when now I wrestle with Shrihaan, I enjoy it but more than that, I know Im building happy experiences for him which will stand him in good steed for all his life, specially when he would remeber me when Im no longer around. We are more of friends to him. Most of our taxi rides and walk down the road are spent playing either word game, discussions soccer or playing atlas. Its my joy to pull his leg and see a smale crack up in his cherubic face. It hurts me see him sad and dejected when he is denied something and I cannt seem to wait to compensate it. I remember I would sulk for days when disciplined but my uncle or aunty with whom I spent 16 long years and I feel it was because that we werent bonded with love. It was a complicated relation. Whereas, Shrihaan takes no time to forget his hurt, real or imagined or for disciplinary reasons and it gives me the sense of sunshine after rain when he opens up soon and be himself.

Its also nice when he corrects my pronouciation and with his mother, they laugh together at me.We too laugh at him sometimes for his wrong pronouciation but since we all known among ourselves that there is real liking and love flowing, it gives joy and not hurt. Thats essensece of really celebrating one another's lives.

Only time he gets real mad is when I ask him if he is in love or if he got crushes on someone. He is a child standing on the doorstep of the mysterious discoveries of life's unknowns knowing that there are boundaries to be kept and rules to follow. I cannt seem to wait for him to get the first phone call from her.

He is still a child. We hope we are doing the best to give him a good start in life. Having experience life with its beauties and ugliness, I dont wish to give him theoritical values that would someday be discarded by him yet it is so difficult to teach the right values that would make him solid in his life yet successful. We got to have faith in something and we are having faith in Him.

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