Dont vote for Trump America for the sake of each of us

We watch with abject horror that Trump is still having about 40% support and though trailing, like last time, who knows if few fanatics and nitwits vote for him and shudder to think wht if he wins. Trump is evil and vile. He killed more than 200k Americans with his inaction, stupidty and selffish policy in the pandemic. Masks are basic to avoid the virus and he makes fun of it. He call the virus China plague yet he has investment in China. He made deals with murderers in Saudi Arabia. He will sale anything for some money and sex. He is immoral. America, you and your children needs better than Trump. He doent believe in anything and he is even using the white supremacists. He is pushign America to devide, unrest and a dangerous future. He has no conviction and moral compass. He is unfit as a president, he is unfit as a human being. He has america blood in his dirty soiled hands. It says it all about the republican senators who doesnt feel insulted that Dirty Trump is their leader. It seem these republican senators have no problem in looking at the eyes of their children that they continue to support Trump. I hope the republicans wake up from their fearful slumber and do what is right for America and their children. Biden is the best candidate in the given situation. I really wish we had a better choice but such is life. He is solid, he is a gentleman, he is humane and he has got his moral compass right. Please America vote for Joe Biden. Please dont vote for toxic Trump.

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