Vote for your self, vote for your children- Vote for Joe Biden for the sake of God!

3rd Nov will define the fate of America and America still being the only super power, that of the world. America got it horribly wrong to elect Trump. A charaterless, valueless, gutless thug who all his life has stolen from people, his friends, his children- for anyone he can. He has stolen many of his friends wives. He had blood in his hand. He is responsible for the dealth of thousands of Americans in the Pandemic. He is pahologica liar. He is pulling back America by decades and four more years of him will put the deathnail on future of every americans but more forcefully for blacks, women, asians, old and the sick. He will take away all facilities and give his rich cronies tax rebates, businesses and american women. He is creator of fake news and he is totally fake. Joe Biden at this point in time is the only hope and salvation available to every americans. Please do the right thing and vote for Joe Biden. Do the right thing in the name of your children and God.

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