Acne/pimple blues

I feel I don’t understand acne much even after working on reduction of acne for close to half a decade and developing products that are selling well in multicultural countries.

The emotional connect of this condition to young girls of 17-24 years of age couldn’t be over emphasised. If one is a 18 year girl and has got pimple, then the joy of living will be missing from her life. The marketers has quite successfully made her believe that he cannt face the world with pimples.

Lets get this straight, acne/pimples are an inevitable rite of passage from teenage years to adulthood. In that sense, we should actually celebrate it as a sign that life is flowing in the right and predefined way of the nature!

Acne is cyclical in nature and has close linkage to the menstrual cycle of the subjects.

Can it be prevented completely from reappearing? NO. Its a biological phemona and must not be interfared too much.

Can it be reduced/controlled/managed? Yes

How? Please use a good facial wash containing actibacterials that is proven to deliver oil control or exfoliation. Use it twice daily Or use a clay face pack on alternate days for 10 minutes and wash it off with a good facial cleanes.

Drink lot of water. Eat lot of vegetables and fruits. Exercise atleast thrice daily. Avoid stress to the extent possible.

Do this for 4-8 weeks.

Im sure you will get positive results. Your white heads and black heads will also make a disappearance.

And indeed if you happy with the results, please come back and make a donation.

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