Sons and Fathers

How many years ago that was? When I couldnt help go to her place to thank her after reading the book she lent me? The book called Sons and Fathers which was one of the few books which I had to finish in one seating? That was when I was just entering the twenties!

Why am I think about it now that the clock says 12.26am and most of the Bangkok is deciding to call it a day and live to fight another day later today?

Our eight year old son has gone for his first sleepover at Mas's place. Last several days he was alternatively excited and sad about this sleep over.

We are used to have him with us in whatever we do. We have sometimes felt bit constrained thinking of the many things we cannt do given that we dont have anyone else at home to take care of him. However, we didnt feel like do any of those things we felt we were missing today. Since the house feels very quite and we keep wondering what he must be doing now with Filip and Mas? Wondering what games can they play when an Indian, a crotian and a thai boy decide to do a stayover? Got a call from him and he said he was loving playing with the puppies. He has been asking for a puppy for a long time now and am sure he would be full of it next several day till something else catches our eight year old's attention. What will that be?

We are but products of the conditioning we get from society and our faith and believe are also largely a result of that. I know for sure at their age, nationality haldly have any meaning to Shrihaan, Filip or Mas.

I also remember the bitter lonely man who came to briefly talk to me years ago. I was seated with Shrihaan who must have been 3 year old and was playing with him. The old man came to me and said, ' You love him so much, will he tak care of you when you become old?'. I realised that he must have been treated badly by his sons and politely didnt talk to him much. Life is such a experience that it forms and unforms many of our notions, believes and understandings and nothing can be judged in black and white. Worse, there is no answer to many of the queries that troubles our souls.

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