She is married now

She was 18 and daughter of his firiends sister. She had the look of a child and lacked confidence. She wrote well but always seemed to lost and unable to connect to the world around her. Her pain, loneness, utter lack fo direction was touch but repeatative. He soon realised that he couldnt help her much.

She lost her father and her family felt into very tough time. With a younger bother to educate, she and her mother struggled to manage the days.

She graduated and got into a job. Her poems still had the melancholic edge howling to the chill in her life.

It didnt make sense why she was still that vulnerable.

She had her boyfriend since she was barely a child. He got his edge from government policies and progressed well. He works in one of the best conpany, had got many interests and full of confidence and faith the goodness of life.

They worried if he would move far in the newer vistas that were owening up in his life.

He had a good heart and married her.

He holidayed with her and his mother. It was picture of a happy upwardly mobile family.

A young wife doesnt take mother in laws that easily but given her personality, she could still find happiness in the comfort of having someone to take the decisions. There will be times when she would find it difficult and her soul would want to revolt but she would find good counsel in her heart and in her man.

It was nice meeting her in her new life.

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