Isreal PM Benjamin Netanyahu

UN assembly is in full swing. Palestinian President Abbas created fluttered last several weeks and much chaos in the tents of President Obama and his cohorts by declaring that he would seek full statehood recognition in UN. Inspite of muuch trying from America, President Abbas went ahead and made his claim. That American dominance is on the decline was demonstrated by President Sarkosky, more known as the husband of Carla Bruni, indirectly provided support to the Palestinian cause.

US surly will veto it and it will have to come back to UN again.

Did President Abbas really throught he would succeed in UN withour making prior deal with Isreal backed by USA? Surely he didnt think that he would succeed. This is shrewd move of a seasoned politician out there to buy a place in the annals of History and seal his time in the palace. This will come at a cost. Once US veto the Palestinian statehood recognition request, violence would follow. There would attack on Isreal interests and that of US too, this will be followed by retribution. One more cycle of vicious cycle will play out in the holy land of Ibrahim. However, Presidnt Abbas has ensured that the key issue of Palestine is thrown back to the global political central stage, a world too occupied with economic woes, allmost forgot for last couple of year, the core issue of the middle east unrest.

It would now be difficult to shove it back under the carpet.

Isreal to us is romantic idea. We admire Isreal for her strength and power to survive surrounded by hostile neighbours. She always extract revenge for any harm done to her children. Isreal is concept which make poeple immigrate to this land, not for monetary gain or improvement in quality of life, but for the mere previlage of living in the promised land, the land of Judas.

Jews have suffered for a long time, yet they have thrived in all fields, be it business or intellectual persuits.

But Isreal is not always right and more often than not, they have been brutal in their dealing with Palestine. They now say that they are ready to make painful compromise inorder to buy peace. No one in middle east believes them. But it may be better to believe them and go back to the negotiation table to give peace one more chance.

The world is now a dangerous place to live and one of the major cause is the Palestine issue. Its not to say world will become peaceful once this issue is resolved since human race will find other reasons to cause unrest but its obvious there will be some period of peace and hence prosperity before humans find another cause to justify creation of unrest and chaos.

I shudder to think what it would feel like to be Palestinian or Isrealli, living everyday in fear and uncertainly, seeing people known succumb to mindless cruelty.

PM Netanyahu has offered to talk to President Abbas now in the UN itself and believe some sort of peace talk will happen. However, unless Hamas, can be pulled in the table as the thrid party, then the peace will remain illusive. Unlikely there will be resolution of this issue anytime soon.

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