Mumbai attacked again

We in India seem to have eunuchs in charge of security and safety of the citizens of this sad country.

Terrorists attack take place accross the country with impunity and uncanny regularity. I feel sick and helpless to be an Indian and will desparately seek opprtunities to move to a country like Australia or Holland.

I live in Mumbai and lives of so many innocent people and families were shattered forever yesterday by some cowardly beasts who will rot in this very life. There is nothing called heaven and one has to pay for his sin in this very life and these misguided demons will die a worse than street dog's death.

Im ashamed to be an Indian. The intelligence, the polictical bosses, the police chief-no one vowed justice and revenge against those who blodied the Mumbai trains yesterday. No one was on the offensive but instead made lame coments like we cannt avoid these incidence always. When did every one loose their balls?

A strong person, a strong nation is respected and no one dare to meddle with him and her. The only thing that works in life is the principle which say both the eyes and balls for an eye.

These eunuchs will blame the hand of ISI. If we are so sure about it, why dont we anihilate and assicinate the perpetrators of these heinous crime once for all? Cannt we learn something from Mosad and Isreal? Desparate problem requires desparate solutions.

Gandhi was a curse for India. For his own glory he had brainwashed the Indian polity that we would adehere to nonviolence and be the good boys of the world. The balls of good boys will always be twisted. High time, we stop calling him father of the nation and instead Bhagat singh, Khudiram etc should me the real father of the nation.

The cartoons in the media hail the spirit of Mumbai. I live in Mumbai and know how helpless and scary it feels in such a place like Mumbai. There is no spirit of fight back here. rather, no one has a choice other than try to go about the business of living. These things happen so often and how anyone can stop living. if we had a choice, we would all go somewhere else. The value of human life is nothing in Mumbai.

Human safety should be made a fundamental right.

The beasts who commit these kind of crime against humanity must not have any human rights and should be slowly and painfully tortured till death and decompostion and then should be fed to the eagles. I salute President Bush for trying to do so.

Actually, even eunuchs are better than the socalled human beings who rules India. They cannt provide the basic safety to its citizen but send delegations of MPs to Germany to enjoy the world cup. What for?

Their lives are important and security is provided, the ordinary citizens lives arent important and so they arent entitled to any security.

This is a wake up call to prove that we can take care of ourselves and no one who harms us would go unpunished. Time to take this vow.

This is my sincere prayer that some sense, some sanity be given to the goverments to work relentlessly to elliminate this curse from India.

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