ISM & Lemonade

Shanna goes to International school Manila and fortunately loves his school. He doesnt want to go back to his school in Mumbai since life used to be very hard there. The non-airconditioned bus ride to Podder school in Santacruz from our residence in Andheri(E) used to take about 2 hrs one way and I shudder at the hardship he had gone through commuting everyday.

His teacher, Ms Ginny says that he has really blossomed here. Atleast, e has got lot of exposure and have started communicating in English and his wordbase is quite decent.

He is now aware that there are different countried and people from different country look different. He knows pink is for girls and blue is the colour for him.

Few days back, he brings two cars and wispered in my ear,'baba, this is a girl and thhat is lover'. Then he made a very noise with his toung which meant thhe guy has kissed the girl. I laughed and them remebered to tell him that he shouldnt be talking about these things!

There is lemonade, the chetah in his class who goes to the house of eeveryone of his class by turn and the day he came to our house, shenna was extremely happy and preoccupied with him. We made a jouranl entry in the diary of Lemonade on his experience for the couple of days he spent with Shenna.

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