Walking around Lumpini Park

yesterday night didnt help bring more clarity to what I should do. Why is it that in life mostly with me, always have to make a trade off and never get anything which make the decision taking forgone conclusion? Walked and prayed two round in the park yet the confusion relmains. Dont know if should play it safe or take risk and hope for the best. Sometimes it appears that it would be better to go back to something known to have a easy life which could be stable as well yet its difficult to let of what Im doing currently and the promises it might hold for future. Going for the opprtunity would mean compromising the the future growth yet the future growth otherwise isnt assured either. The enentuality of nonaction now is also not clear. It doesnt help that I dont have anyone whom I can confide and seek councel. In life on one needs some elders who have lot of experience to guide but I have also seen that at the moment of real needs, out of nowhere a friend, a guide appears to help sail through the rough patch. These days its quite difficult to find one whom one trust intutively and people are increasing learning to have a mask which is no longer skin deep.

what should I be doning? Got to decide by tuesday. Sucks.

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