Amercia plesse get rid of toxic Trump this election

Trump is the only one who could be scared of the pandemic in private yet provide confidence to public to defy the pandemic. He is the only one who shows scant respect to scintists, common sense and everything wholesome to push all americans to potential death from the pandemic. He just doednt care for the common americans and will sacrifies them at the alter of business as usual. If those in the fringes, the white supremacists are thinking that Trump is for their good, they are mistaken. He is using you all the whites on the fringes to stay in power so he and his cronies can mske money for four more years by breaking apart America. He is danderous, he has got a criminal mind that he is using to fool the americans into voting for him while scheming to screw everyone. Please wake up america, Trump is toxic, he is against God, he is the devil incarnate. He separates babies from their mother. He holds a bible to fool you. He has no moral locus and only anchored in greed and vile desires. Everyday he is making America a little darker place. He is the living devil. Please dont vote for Trump. Please vote for Joe Biden.

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