Trump is criminal- Vote for Joe Biden

Trump is crminal and is surrpounded with criminals in white house. Many of his cronis are in jail or are being pardoned by him. Once he is our of office, it will take years to underatand all his criminal activities. He doesnt pay any tax and doesnt share his filings. His family and cronies use his presidency as opprtunity for business and making money. Companies that donate or provide his companies loans and grafts are let off from investigations. He is the nightmare of every mother. He is everything that that human being should not be. Trump uses women as objects to enjoy and use for trading. It could be pardonable if you voted for him four years ago and you havent seen him in action beyound television shows. He is disaster is every possible way. You now know what harm you have done to future of America by voting for him four years ago. You should not atleast repent and dont vote for him, rather vote for Joe Biden. Trump thinks blacks, Asians, Hispanics are not human being and should be kicked out of America. By voting for Trump you got these on yourselves. It wss amistake to vote for him. You get one more chance to correct it on 3rd Nov'2020. Dont vote for him. No one can be worse than Trump. Dont vote for him. Vote fo Joe Biden. To know all about the misdeeds, curruption, vileness of Trump, read on:

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