Wake Up India

Its a pity that Indian Government is allowing Car manufacturers to promote selling car without any clause on improving the environment attached.

This when,

The car density in all the metro cities are going up and roads are finite by any standard. This leads to wastage of time and energy on load, pollution, ailment for the children and the old.

Fuel subsidy takes away most of the money we pay as tax which could be better used to improve education, sanitation, health, lives of the poor in particular.

The global warming is a reality.

Yet,there is no sign of anyone, be the government, be the car manufacturers, be the society leader, waking up and saying enough is enough, we should limit the usage of the private cars.

What is the tangible solution is not unknown to anyone. One doesnt have to look any further than to Singapore to undertsand the beautiful model they have so successfully developed and employed with resounding success.

I hate Ratan Tata for driving the development of cars for low income consumers. It will not only chock the roads of India, the amount of polution it would lead to is unimaginable. Offocurse, Mr. Ratan tata, you would say that you are creating jobs for people while doing so. Yes, it s a job they will have that would kill their children.

We dont need industrialists like you in India.

There are many better ways of creating jobs which do good for all.

Hope someone powerful would undertsand the pain articulated in the article and help propagate it further.

We need to act or we will be at peril.

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