To my son -on Wealth Creation

Shrihaan will be 6 in august and I hope and pray that he is getting groomed to become a fine young man soon who will contribute heavily to the environment he lives and be happy.

There are things my father didt tell me but wish I was told. There is no guarantee that my life and situation could then be different but atleast it could be a possibility.

I spent most of my wakeup hours worrying about security in future interms of a decent job and quality of life.

I should have figured out the fundamentals of wealth creation long back so that could have implemented it years ago.

The objective of waelth creation to me is to be free from the need to have job to earn living. Wealth is something that should earn enough for us to survive without doing anything to earn money. That would be quite peaceful!

I guess everyone can do it with discipline, plan and prayer.

The mantra is plan, plan, plan, save save, save, invest, invest, invest, have patience, have patience, have patience.

Be very careful when spedning money. Dont waste it on things you dont need or could do without.

what appreciates with time:

1. house/condo/flat.

2. Good company share/ MF

3. Gold

How many Buffet's, Soro's, Bill Gate's, Rockfeller's are there in the world?

If you have it to be one of them, great!

Even otherwise, you can secure your future.

Invest in good, solid companies, stay invested while tracking it. For years it maynt go anywhere but then there would years when it would rocket to much higher levels.

Try to spot aq consumer trend. what product would be big with time which no one is actively talking today? If you cna spot a trend and fave faith in it, invest in it.

Polulations will alsways grow, so will be demand and hence price of house since land is limited resource.

Who are the millionaire's next door? They are people with ordinary jobs but a solid plan to become wealthy. They live a frugal life and aree immune to the bomardment of advirtisement for things no one really needs.

Make saving and investing a part of your lifestyle as soon as you can and that is a powerful way to become rich and secure.

Im open to consultations.

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