Reccession changes

We have been seeing recession for quite sometimes and I have been thinking of the changes, if any we have made in our life style to prepare for better days.

We have achived the goals we have set for ourself in 2005 when we decided to move to Phipippines but the goalpost has allready shifted. We want more and it will continue to be so.

The biggest thing that we realise has happened is that we wish to settle in Singapore or US or EU. I absolutely dont have any clue how to make it happen at this point but I believe with prayers, extraordinary opportunities will appear for us to realise this goel.

We are now realiseing us to be fortunate to be working in old economy. In the growth phase last several years, the new economy guys made money and we used to feel left out. However, the same guys are hurt the most now with the recession. Old economy, core good based compnaies will be last to be hurt in the recessions.

We are not splurging as much as we used to do. We are buying the same product but cheaper brands. We honestly dont see much difference in the value we get from these brands.

Biggest change I feel is that we dont know where to invest now. Its quite confused time now.

When will the world economy start turing around? I believe it will by the end of 09, the market will bottom out. This is based on just gut feel but I will be in market around that time.

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