Jometien Beach

Thats where we will be during 31Dec-2nd Jan. We didnt plan anything till the last minute since we have a holiday planned in Phuket in middle of sept.
However, the pressure of holiday session was on Prinx and she succumbed to it as she most often done.
We were keen on Malaysia but then the visa takes few days, so got postponed to sometimes later in first half of 2011.
We were keen on Koh Samui but flights were too expensive. We went to checkout the trains but tickets werent available. However, we had lovely time at the Black canyon coffee shop at the station.
Closer home, finally got the bookings at a beach hotel in Jometien beach.
Holidays got to be planned ahead but the uncertainties of the job I have now doesnt allow me to do that. Hope we find stability soon so as to revel in mundane normality which seems to be sucha premium to us.
Time to think of the resultions for the 2011 and at my heart I know, need all the stregths of my soul to make the resolutions happen for the very sanity and existance.

Life Goes on, a movie by Sangeeta Dutta is a movie we wantched and loved couple of days

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