
are something he have to try to do every living moment of the days. It hasnt been an easy life for him ever since he left his semiurban birthplace where he used to live with his mother and grandmother, to live with his uncle and aunt in the city. Those are the happy days when every weekend he would be waiting to listen to the whistle of the train that would signal that his father would be home, soon. Sometimes, his father would come in the next train. Meanwhile, he along with his Ma and grandma would worry and pray for his father safety.

Life's not been easy. He hadnt been able to walk the strainght path in life for various reasons, foremost must be the unknowns in his genes.

But what 2010 would dishout, nothing prepared him for it. He blames himself for it and takes responsibilities and is punished by the invisible fate. The lucidity, the santity, the ordinariness-all the knowns are showing sings of becoming not known anymore. Will he go mad? Will he do something that would undo what has been painstakingly built over so many years? Why did she do what she did if she nurtured and prayered for him for so long? What doesnt mean, how to interpret it, how to resolve it, how to fight the demons, how to have peace? Its a struggle even his familiar refuge is unwilling to assist him. The drugs provide temporary relief. It feels terrible when the light of the day is not there even at the day time.

He must not succumb to the negetive thoughts. He musters every tiny bit of the positive enery to fight back, to hold on to the things he values in life. He craved for a life beautiful, life full of meaning and richness, life bit mystical, life full of spiritualism, beauty and music.

There is no choice. He resolves to fightback and pray for survival. Tonight, he finds comfort in the antidepressant drug, one of the few miracles afforded to the tortured souls on earth.

Its poetic, also romantic when people say that measure of a man is his ability to stand up when he is knocked down. This is true probably whenthe knock one gets is something common, not very rare. Sometimes, when knocked down, even prayers seems inefective in helping recover. It requires more than a miracle for one to stand up again or atleast have the hope for the same.

And wait for dawn of 2011.

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