Rain in Mumbai

Moving back to Mumbai in March and getting immersed in work, didnt find the time to buy a car yet ans was dreading the infamouse Mumbai rain.

It has arrived.

Travelling to office where the auto and taxi drivers are people with strong mind who doesnt always want to go wehre you need to go, Im up for some tough time coming two month or so.

It started on lat friday a bit and already I didnt get a auto rickshaw till I walked mid way home.

Love playying the tennis at IITB court yesterday monring and the breakfast at one of thw IITB cafe was nice and cheap. Today got up with a body ache and since its raining, will be struck at home mostly.

Read in papers last few days that there was fire in some buildings and was wondering what we would do if aything happens. Good that today morning there was a fire drill and got to see the water hose, oray no one got to use it.

There is a pigeon menace in our place and cannt keep windows open else one or two of them would entire the rooms and risk their lives trying to avoid the fan blades. However, they have found shelter today amidst the rains and cannt see them flying around and fighting generally.

The India we left behinf has changed in last six years and have changed for the worse so far daily quality of life is concerned. Today I dia hoist satellite in space for may small countries but still cannt properly make a road and plan for a working drainage system. Still cannt control the population from exploding.

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