A promised Land - Barack Obama - must read

I finished the book A promised land in 4 days of non-stop reading like an addict. This is the first part of all that led to his presiency and the first four years of it.
What one cant help but first admire is that it was not the greed for power, fame, wealth that fired him to chase it. It was the opprtnity to make a difference to a large number of people that fuled his desire to run for the office. And for sure, he made a last difference to lot of people. The Obama care. His rescue of the financial crisis in 2008. Capping the BP oil leak.The intervention in Tunesia. Getting rid of Osama bin laden. Recognising Pakistan for what it is- a failed, cowardly, currupt state in cahoot with terrorist. Signing of the global climate targets. The list is long.
It's facinating what all goes behind the scene to get anything done. It also became clear how souless, how shallow, how spiteful republical politics is. How the optics and self interest of republicans rule and guide their actions over the long term greater of Americans.
It may not have been the intention but the book educates how how to raise childrens. Decency, hard work, authenticy and empathy are te universal values from generetion to generetions. These are needed to be drilled to the children's hearts everyday at every opprtunity.

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