How to teach a child to read and write?

Well, I dont know what is te sureshot way of doing it but we are trying and we are hopeing it works. Shenna is now at a stage where we are trying to help him become literate and numerate.

On maths, he seems to be in a better place. He can count upto 1000 and can do additions upto 10.

Intially, I played this game of additions with marbles and it helped.

So he is okey with maths.

Teaching him to read and write appear to be much more demanding and slower process since inherently these things are tough and we are not trained in doing it. What we have done is thar we have done some research and we have talked to our friends who have done it sucessfully.

Firstly, I have consicnously tried introducing various words to him early, I have done some reading to him when he was just about a year old. These seems to have worked since his vocabulary is excellent. He takes pride in using difficult and interesting words.

We often do bedtime reading. Being obsessed with car, he loves to listen to racing stories. It helped.

Since last several months we play word game and I feel happy that I stuggle to keep up with him sometimes. He has fortunately got an excellent vocabulary by now.

Phonetic is key to reading and wrting and he seems to have pickedup some of it. He can easily read and write most of the two and three letter words. Dona has helped him enormously with these.

We encourage him to write and lot of times he is not keep to write. We feel it is changing since we have built a bit of reality into it. We encourage him to write whatever he feels like and gently nudge him to write something new everyday.

I was trilled few days back when he came and told me that I have a message. well, he was being asked to do maths that the message I had was, ' Do I hav to do it?'. So we are hoping that he is gaining confidence about writing.

We now see him trying to do some reading at bedtime. We obviously help him.

We have a running word file for him where we encourage him to write something everyday.

We all the time encourage him as we bellieve encouragment can go a real long way to help a child achieve anything.

We are grateful to Kumon. They have a lovely Japanese system of teaching and it hhelps build a routine in the child. Kumon is costly but very effective.

We are wating for the day when he will read stories to us. we hope it to happen very soon.

As parents, we are doing our best to help him, if you have more ideas on this, we welcome you to share here.

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